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Who Usually Does a Showroom Makeover?

Most of our showroom makeovers are for clients in the following industries:


  •  E-Commerce Companies
  • Distribution Companies
  • Motorsports Showrooms
  • Boating Showrooms
  • Fishing Showrooms
  • Hotel Chains
  • Restaurant Groups
  • Cell Phone Accessories
  • And 100+ other industries

Does It Make Sense to Invest in a Showroom Makeover? (Showroom Secrets from the Owner of DISPLAYARAMA)

“Should I renovate my showroom?” is one of the most common questions that comes to the mind of a business owner. It’s the conversation you and your spouse have before bed…it keeps your gears turning…and it periodically crosses your mind.


As a business owner myself, it can be hard to justify investing in a showroom makeover since the ROI is not crystal clear. It’s similar to the uncertainty someone gets when they are first opening their business. If you’re at the point where you are wanting to renovate your showroom, it likely means you’ve been in business for quite some time.


When a business has been around for years, it starts to look outdated. It’s great you’ve been around, but if you want to stay around then you need to be agile.


Trends tend to change rapidly with social media being so prominent. This means that color schemes are changing. An example of this is with the color Maple. Almost every store owner had maple slatwall panels, maple displays, and maple desks. Now – it’s on it’s way out. Other wood grain colors and simple colors like black and white are much more popular.


We are currently in the age of simplicity – everyone loves a clean look so product looks elegant, calming, and luxurious. This will help reel in higher end clients and create an environment that helps you sell more.


There are several factors involved when justifying an investment in a showroom makeover. If the answer is YES to each of these, the intangible ROI of doing a showroom makeover is more likely to be worth it:


  • Is your business cash flow positive and profitable?
  • Do you get a gut feeling it’s time to update your showroom?
  • Are you hesitant to show off your showroom to friends and family?
  • Would your customers appreciate having an updated look and feel?
  • Do you believe a showroom makeover would make you a more credible vendor?
  • Would you be more proud of the showroom images on your Google My Business/website after a renovation?


If you answer YES to these and are still interested in a Showroom Makeover – it’s important to ask yourself deeper questions to find out if it’s really worth it:


  • Do you really want to grow your sales?
  • If so, how much are you willing to spend to do so?
  • How many more sales would have to be influenced by having a newly renovated showroom to make your money back?
  • How much is your average client worth?
  • How long would this take?
  • How much longer will you stay in the same space? 
  • What parts of the showroom really need to be renovated?
  • Does flooring need to be done, or is it really just the wall and floor displays that need to be updated?
  • Are you willing to pull permits from the city?

At the end of the day – you’re likely the owner or operator of your business. It’s 100% your decision if you do a showroom makeover.


If you decide one of the next steps to take your business to the next level is a showroom makeover – you have my word that our team will support you from the first day through delivery and install.


Mike Orr


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